Fear is a universal trigger for terror because it alerts us to potential for harm, whether it’s real or imagined. Once we perceive a threat to our physical, emotional, or psychological safety, the fight, flight, or freeze response takes over, causing us to focus on dealing with the danger at-hand.

Fear is one of the most primal emotions. It is hard-wired into our nervous system and works as a basic instinctual response when we sense danger. Fear itself is not to be feared as it can help protect us at appropriate times. Fear can catalyze us to do extraordinary things in order to stop a threat. This is very useful. However, irrational fear can also work against us by holding us back from progressing, trying new things, and even limit opportunities for joy.

Sadly, we can be conditioned to be fearful of just about anything. Fear can be a seed planted and sown through misinformation, alternative facts, fake news, and the people close to us. There may be a kernel of cautionary truth to the root concern, but irrational fear can take hold of us when we are confronted with uncertainty, the unknown, and new opportunities

This course will introduce you to the science behind our fear response as well as how to recognize when irrational fear-based behaviors sabotage us. Learn what neuroscience teaches us about identifying and transforming our fears into jet fuel for optimal performance and productivity.

Turn Uncertainty into Jet Fuel for Change

The distinctive difference between real, rational fear and False Evidence Appearing Real (F.E.A.R)

Keys to managing emotional reactions and responses to life's greatest challenges

How to recognize what can and cannot be controlled

How to successfully focus on the positive when experiencing negative feelings

Valuable brain training techniques for overcoming irrational fear

What you will learn from this course:

How to Live Out Loud (LOL), even when confronted with emotional overwhelm, worry, and self-doubt



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